MODembed is an experimental IDE aiming to provide a more advanced toolchain for embedded software development. It provides a model-based approach for defining the whole compilation process. The project aims to create a full-featured IDE which can support every aspect of an embedded system design using a model-based approach.
Model-based approach
Based on Eclipse Modeling Framework, everything is described by EMF models
ANT integration
Compilation process is controled by ANT
Architecture-independent toolchain
The target architecture is described by a model, all tools are designed to be fully independent of the target
Reverse engineering
Tools to support disassembling programs are included
Included libraries
Architecture models and libraries are available for Microchip's PIC enchanced midrange (PIC16e) and high-end (PIC18) microcontrollers. Experimental support is started for MSP430 devices.
Free and open-source
MODembed is a personal hobby project, released under the Eclpse Public License v1.0.
Current versions
MODembed continous integration builds are available to install as P2 update sites. Master branch builds can be installed through Eclipse Marketplace.
Master branch (0.8.1)

- On Github: https://github.com/balazsgrill/modembed
- Install from eclipse marketplace: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/modembed
- Online help: http://modembed-onlinehelp.balazs-grill.cloudbees.net/index.jsp
- Nightly build update site: http://modembed-updatesite.balazs-grill.cloudbees.net
Development branch 
- On GitHub: https://github.com/balazsgrill/modembed/tree/development
- Online help: http://modembed-ci-onlinehelp.balazs-grill.cloudbees.net/index.jsp
- Nightly build update site: http://modembed-ci-updatesite.balazs-grill.cloudbees.net